Getting Colder… I Could Use Some Warmth… A Characteristic of Being a Hospitable
welcoming/ personable – This attitude is experienced
when you first meet someone or pass someone on the street, the park, or at the
grocery store. This person is usually looking up, attentive to their
surroundings, and carries with them a smile and a sense of wanting to know you.
We have all met those people who know you and possess this innate
attitude of genuine joy when you are with them. It is that person who greets
you with a smile when you show up at the party and who makes you feel like you
are the most honored guest every time.
Or it is that old lady who greets you in the store and
carries the persona that life is good and everything is in order and your
meeting in the cereal aisle was what the Lord had designed for the both of you
that day. You walk by with this overwhelming desire deep down in your gut to
walk by her again on the next aisle, just to feel that warmth and acceptance
Or maybe you have been that person who shows up at an event
and you are nervous and all your energy is being sucked up in trying to
suppress an anxiety attack while asking questions like: “Is this the right
place?” “Why did I come? I don’t really fit in here.” “Is there anyone here I
know?” Then in the midst of this terrible experience someone gives you the most
warm and welcoming smile from across the room and then the next thing you know
is, they are standing next to you, inviting you into the fold.
Do you remember the feelings and emotions you experienced
during all or any of those moments? Have you felt the relief when that crushing
desire to just run away is instantly transformed into a calmness and peace? The
anxiety falls away and a new confidence of who you are erupts out of your inner
being like a sprout of a seed breaking through the dirt and soaking up the
warmth of the sun for the first time. You go from feeling little and weak to being
strong and confident, and all this happens in the blink of an eye.
You wonder to yourself what just happened, but there is no
time to unpack it. You just move forward into relationship with this person no
matter how deep it goes or how long it lasts. You find yourself on the other
side of the coin desiring more of what that person has to offer.
In your daily life, you will most likely cross paths with
more people you don’t know well than people who you do know well. In those
moments you have two choices. Look down and walk on by or be that person who is
remembered as “the one who brightened their day.”
The difference is divided in a split second. You might be
reading this and realize that you naturally are this person who brings warmth
to those around you. On the other hand, you might consider yourself shy or
introverted. You might think that this characteristic is just impossible
because of the way you are. I will say that for some people, this does come
more as a natural response, but that does not let the rest of us off the hook.
Take for instance these verses from Jesus’ Sermon on the
Mount. As you read it, look for any indication that He was speaking only to
those outgoing people of our world.
Matthew 5: 43-48
- “You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’ and hate your
enemy. But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute
you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your
Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and
he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike. If
you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt
tax collectors do that much. If
you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even
pagans do that. But
you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.”
One of the first characteristics of loving your neighbor, or
being a hospitable person, stems from these verses and many others throughout
God’s story. It is this challenge and responsibility for us who call ourselves
Christians to love everyone. To look up and welcome others into our space and
life. It is our challenge to look up, and become someone who is welcoming,
warm, and personable. Say hello to those you don’t know as well as those you do
know. Greet all people with a genuine smile.
I have an uncle whom I have had the opportunity to watch for
many years and I am constantly amazed at his ability to make anyone and
everyone feel completely welcomed and wanted no matter who they are or what
their background. He possesses this incredible ability to make you feel like
the party was specifically designed for you. I have seen him recognize and
welcome the most shy and fearful people into a relationship with himself that
absolutely transforms who that person is and how they view themselves. Thinking
about him as I write about hospitality, I have realized that he doesn’t do
anything special or extraordinary. He just simply lives his life with his head
up, looking for those who are on the outskirts and simply greets them with
genuine joy and invites them to be a part of whatever he is doing.
I will talk more later about the power of the invite, but
what I want you to consider here is the idea that being warm and welcoming can
be done by anyone, anywhere. It is a simple awareness of where you are and who
is around you. Then when you see that person who is standing alone or that
person you don’t know well, make the effort to simply walk over and say hello.
There is great power in a simple hello! Then simply invite that person into
what you are doing. You don’t have to create some pristine environment or
possess a well-devised plan for this friendship. Just invite them into your
space. They may turn you down, but know this… they still experienced your
warmth and welcome and that is what you are responsible to do.
How do we learn to do this? Stand up straight and remember
how God’s grace greets us each and everyday. Remember that we were strangers to
God and yet He was willing to leave His place of comfort, joy, and peace and
come to this wretched place so that we could be welcomed into the wedding
feast. So we could enjoy the kingdom and receive an invitation to become heirs
of the King! Is there joy that empowers you to reach out because of what you
have received from Jesus? Does God’s welcome to you cause your head to lift up
and your face to smile? Where does the courage and the motivation to be
welcoming to strangers come from? When we need help, we can ask Christ. What we
have freely received from Him, we can freely give to others.
So as you walk through your day… look up, greet those you
know, and greet those you don’t. It’s not as hard as you think, and you will be
amazed at the new insights and friends you glean along the way.
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